Draft notes - Environment committee - 17th August 2020

Draft notes of a meeting of the Environment committee held remotely using Zoom on 17th August 2020 at 19.30


Present: Cllrs Adeyemi (joined at 20:05) Broad, Callan, Hauton, Kilcoyne (joined at 19:32), Manders, Moran (joined at 19:34), Smith, Trought and Walker.                  

In attendance: Clerk to Council, Mrs S Knowles                                                                    No members of public were present


1. To consider apologies and accept valid reasons for absence – It was RESOLVED: That apologies from Cllr Barr be accepted.

It was RESOLVED: That apologies from Cllr Marden be accepted.


Cllr Kilcoyne joined the meeting at 19:32


2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item




Non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in matters relating to:

Disclosable pecuniary interest in

matters relating to:

Cllr Manders

Planning application for St John’s Primary Academy.



Cllr Moran joined the meeting at 19:34


3. To confirm the minutes of the Environment committee held on 13th July 2020 - It was RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2020 be approved and signed as a true copy by the chairman.


At 19:35, Cllr Moran declared a non-pecuniary interest in matters relating to the planning application 20/0752/FUL and did not speak or vote on the matter.


4. To consider planning application 20/0752/FUL - Land Off Canwick Avenue and Westminster Drive, Bracebridge Heath


It was RESOLVED: That Bracebridge Heath Parish Council objects to the planning application on the following grounds:


  • Overdevelopment and layout

The additional properties represent overdevelopment of the site and will lead to an unsatisfactory layout and undesirable increase in housing density. Although the application meets the requirement for the minimum number of affordable homes, it is disappointing that the alterations suggested will mean that the affordable homes will be located in one area of the development only. Council objects to the lack of housing mix and pepper-potting throughout the development


  • Housing design

Whilst Council accepts that colour palettes have already been agreed in previous applications, it is unfortunate that there is block usage of the colour schemes rather than having a more natural mix throughout the development. The developer could have used the opportunity for revising the application to widen the palette and embrace the draft design code for the South East Quadrant.


The use of narrow footpaths around to the rear of the newly proposed terraced properties is undesirable and is likely to lead to bins being left out permanently rather than being returned to rear gardens. Alternative designs might negate the need for these narrow paths.


  • Management

Council reiterates its concerns regarding the use of a management company for the green areas, play equipment and other landscaped areas. It is noted that the management period for the developer has changed from 7 years to 5 with no plans provided for future management.


  • Highway and roads

The proposal for additional homes will put increased pressure on the single access point for this development. Whilst it is accepted that a decision has been made regarding the access point, Council would like NKDC to note the impact the development has on existing residential areas and ensure that revisions to this application do not result in a less desirable situation for residents of Bath Road and Westminster Drive. The proposal for 12 additional homes will significantly increase the number of vehicles using the access point.


Council objects to the lack of provision for visitor parking. In particular, the proposed addition of 12 smaller properties will increase the need for visitor parking. There being no means of preventing vehicles parking on green spaces, the combination of this and the lack of visitor parking will mean that green amenity areas will be regularly used to park cars. This is contrary to the CLLP LP13.


Council considers that the highways in the development should be built to the standard specified in the draft design code for the SEQ. The proposed unadopted highway in this application is unacceptable and will mean that for some properties the distance to take a wheelie bin to the collection point every week will be considerable.


Whilst Council notes that the travel plan document has been updated, it is disappointed that this document still does not accurately reflect the travel options for Bracebridge Heath or this development in particular, it being a considerable distance from some of the alleged public transport options. Parish Council’s original comments on this document remain the same. The travel plan does not adequately support 120 properties and will therefore not support the proposed 132.


  • Landscaping and amenity areas

Council agrees with the comments of the Tree Officer regarding the over reliance on short-lived species of trees. In line with the NPPF section 127, Council considers that additional landscaping would be beneficial around the swale such as the inclusion of smaller plants and shrubs tolerant to the conditions.


Council is concerned about the small amount of landscaping for proposed bin collection areas. This is undesirable, particularly for the properties situated next to the collection points.


Council notes the inclusion of the access point to the recreation ground in Bracebridge Heath. Whilst Parish Council has not been formally approached regarding this situation it is prepared to consider any requests for access.


  • Climate change technologies

Council is pleased to see the addition of a water butt for properties on the development. However, it is frustrating that the developer has not gone further in providing climate change technologies such as the use of grey water for toilets, the inclusion of heating zones and timers for all properties and the installation of solar panels.


The lack of secure cycle storage does not facilitate the use of other modes of transport and is contrary to CLLP LP13. More emphasis is placed on the provision for cycling and cycle storage in the draft design code for the SEQ and Parish Council considers that this should be embraced at other emerging sites.


In line with the NPPF section 105 and 110, Council would like to see a condition imposed on this application that electric car charging points are installed throughout the development.



In summary, Council objects to the application for the reasons stated above. The addition of 12 more properties, the proposed layout and the consequences of this will be detrimental to the site. Furthermore, the single access point will not be able to tolerate the additional traffic that this proposal will create. 


Cllr Adeyemi joined and left the meeting on 3 occasions between 20:05 and 20.40.


5. To consider planning applications –


Cllr Moran gave apologies and left the meeting at 20:32


20/0778/HOUS – 1 Heath Road – It was RESOLVED: That Council has no comment or objections.


20/0888/PNTEL, London Road and 20/0459/PNTEL, St John’s Road – Council requests further information about the usage of the telephone boxes so that this can be adequately considered.


Cllr Manders passed the chairmanship of the meeting and abstained from speaking and voting on the following matter.

Vice-chairman Cllr Trought chaired the meeting for the following item.


20/0769/FUL – St John’s Primary Academy – It was RESOLVED: That Council supports the application.


The chairmanship of the meeting was passed back to Cllr Manders for the remaining items.


6. To consider arrangements for Remembrance Sunday 2020 – Council considered the arrangements for Remembrance Sunday 2020. It was agreed that the COVID-19 situation was incompatible with the usual service and constitutional parade that is held each year in the village. The committee considered alternative options and agreed that for safety reasons the procession from the church to the war memorial would not be able to take place in 2020. It was suggested that the Church of St John the Evangelist could hold a small service and live stream the event so that members of the community could participate remotely. It was agreed that village organisations be invited to lay a wreath at the war memorial at a time of their choosing on Remembrance Sunday.


It was RESOLVED: That Council purchase a poppy wreath using powers given under s137, Local Government Act 1972.


7. Items for the agenda of the committee meeting – NP, wildlife corridor, action plan, trees.


There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 20:58




Signed_______________________________Chairman                        22nd September 2020


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