Minutes - Finance and Policy - 07 February 2022

Draft notes of a meeting of Finance & Policy committee held at the Bracebridge Heath Community Library on 7th February 2022 at 19:00
Present: Cllrs Adeyemi, Barr, Callan, Kilcoyne and Manders.
In attendance: Mrs S Knowles, Clerk to Council.
Cllr Warren observed the meeting. No members of the public were in attendance.
1. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence– It was Resolved: That apologies for absence from Cllr Blackmore be accepted.
2. Declarations of interest
a. To receive members’ declarations of interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct – Cllrs Manders, Barr and Adeyemi declared an ‘other-registerable’ interests in matters relating St John the Evangelist Church.
b. To receive and consider members’ requests for dispensations in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct and Standing Orders –
It was Resolved: That a dispensation be granted to Cllr Barr allowing him to speak and vote on matters relating to St John the Evangelist Church, the dispensation to be in place until either the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council or until resignation from the committee.
It was Resolved: That a dispensation be granted to Cllr Adeyemi, allowing her to speak and vote on matters relating to St John the Evangelist Church, the dispensation to be in place until either the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council or until resignation from the committee.
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 6th December 2021- It was Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of the Finance & Policy committee held on 6th December 2021 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.
4. To consider budget, income and expenditure – No concerns raised.
5. To consider payment of accounts – It was Resolved: That all payments due on 11th February excluding the payment to St John the Evangelist Church be approved.
It was Resolved: That the payment to St John the Evangelist Church be approved.
Cllr Manders abstained from the vote.
It was Resolved: That payments due on 28th February be approved.

Payment date


Amount (£)





Cleaning and office supplies

Glendale Countryside


Pitch marking



Legal fees

Lindum Fire Service Ltd


Fire extinguisher service

Lindum Group Ltd


Skip hire – Allotment and Cemetery

Mayflower Washroom Solutions


Waste disposal



Tree inspections and Small Society Lottery Licence

Mr J Pinion


Plumbing and gas repairs

Savills UK


Allotment rent

SDG Access Ltd


Replacement fire doors



ILCA Qualification

St John the Evangelist Church


Parish Council Grant

Viking Direct


Library consumables/caretaker supplies

Wellers Hedleys


Legal fees



Pavilion deposit return


Salaries and reimbursements


Salaries and reimbursements



Tax and NI M11

Lincolnshire Pension Fund


Pension contributions M11

6. To consider adjustment of earmarked reserves – It was agreed that the Covid-19 grant be renamed Covid-19 (pavilion use).
It was Resolved: That the earmarked reserve for the COVID-19 grant (pavilion use) is used for expenditure relating to the installation of new fire doors at the pavilion, the cost being £2438.52.
It was Resolved: That the earmarked reserve for the Healthy Hubs Grant is used for expenditure relating to a Parish Council grant awarded to the Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club, the cost being £1500.00.
7. To consider the Council’s asset register and items for disposal – It was Resolved: That the laptop, CCTV equipment and PIR lighting as reportedbe disposed of and the relevant entries on the asset register be altered as appropriate.
It was Resolved: That the Village Caretakers be authorised to dispose of a picnic table at the Grantham Road play park if required.
8. To consider an application for a Government Purchasing Card – It was Resolved: That an application be made for a Government Purchasing Card through Barclays Bank and that the Clerk be authorised as a cardholder on behalf of the Council with a total spend limit of £1000.
9. To consider policies for review
a. Disciplinary policy – It was Resolved: That subject to the amendments agreed at the meeting the Disciplinary policy v2.1 be approved and adopted.
b. Training policy – It was Resolved: That subject to the amendments agreed at the meeting the Training policy v2.1 be approved and adopted.
c. Risk register – It was Resolved: That subject to the amendments agreed at the meeting that the Risk Register v1.3 be recommended for adoption to Full Council.
10. To consider Council’s action plan – It was Resolved: That subject to the addition of a new action relating to volunteers a recommendation be made to Full Council to accept the Action Plan.
11. To consider a wayleave with Western Power Distribution – It was Resolved: That the Council accept and sign the wayleave with Western Power Distribution to permit installation of electricity cables across Red Hall Farm Lane at grid reference SK977960675966.
12. Items for the agenda of the next committee meeting – Communication strategy, meeting calendar
Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of business)
It was Resolved: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of the following items on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information.
13. To consider legal matters relating to Red Hall Farm Lane - It was Resolved: That Council’s solicitor be authorised to send correspondence to the owner of land on Red Hall Farm Lane, the letter to be amended as agreed by the committee.
14. To consider legal matters relating to a request for acquisition of land– It was Resolved: That
 the Council agrees to relinquish the parcel of land from the Recreation Ground lease in consideration of £5000 which will be
used towards the installation of entrance gates within Bracebridge Heath; the £5000 to be paid to the Parish Council and used
as stipulated above; and
 the Council’s solicitor be instructed to act as above.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 20.57
Signed_______________________________Chairman 4th April 2022