Council business

Welcome to Bracebridge Heath Parish Council

Bracebridge Heath Parish Council has thirteen councillors who are elected for four years. The next election will be in May 2027.

The Full Council meets monthly on the first Tuesday of each month. The Personnel committee has one scheduled meeting per year and meets as required at other times. Meetings will normally take place in The Heath: Village Hall & Library. 

Members of the public are welcome to join meetings of the Council. A public participation session is normally included at the beginning of Full Council meetings to enable residents to raise matters directly to the council.

Council members

Chairman:  Cllr C Callan

Vice-chairman:  Cllr C Barr

Councillors:  Cllrs C Broad, A Carr, B Emes, S Manders, V Marden, J Moran, S Neilson, R Stone, K Trought,

There are currently two vacancies. 

All Councillors may be contacted through the clerk.

Clerk to the Parish Council: Mrs S Knowles

Deputy Clerk to the Parish Council: Mrs R Fraser

Council social media

The Parish Council has one Facebook group and two pages which can be viewed at:

Bracebridge Heath Parish Council Page -  

Please follow our page above for parish council news and information. 

Bracebridge Heath Community Library Page - 

Bracebridge Heath Parish Council Group -