Addendum to Scheme of Delegation Ordinary (Village Hall Refurbishment)

1. Introduction

1.1 This scheme of delegation is an addendum to the council’s adopted scheme and outlines the delegation of duties to officers of the council while the village hall refurbishment works are taking place. This scheme will be enacted while the refurbishment activity takes place and for the duration until the council confirms that the scheme is no longer required.  


1.2 The purpose of this scheme is to ensure that decisions and activity related to the refurbishment can take place in a timely manner, avoiding delays and achieving best value for money.


1.3 Under the scheme, officers will be able to make decisions in relation to the refurbishment activity, as set out within the policy, outside of the council’s meeting schedule. Officers will be permitted to approve cost neutral changes, cost efficiencies and increases in cost in accordance with the scheme.


1.4 The following provisions should be noted:

  • The delegations in this scheme are subject to any limitations imposed by law, the budget and the Council’s policies including Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. Limitations set by the council’s existing policies apply, unless expressly stated otherwise within this document.
  • The inclusion of examples in the scheme does not limit the generality of the wording to which the example relates.
  • All delegated powers referred to in the scheme are given to the Clerk/RFO only. The Clerk may at his/her discretion authorise other members of staff to act on his/her behalf using the powers delegated in this scheme.  During any period of absence affecting the Clerk, the delegated powers are extended to the Deputy Clerk.


2. Table of delegated authority

  Delegated authority Consultation and reporting
Design, product and layout

Changes to designs, products or layouts will be agreed by officers where:


1. an alternate more suitable specification is identified. Changes agreed should not result in a substantial increase in cost. The change should be as close as possible in cost and design to the original.

E.g. Change of product/supplier/installer for washrooms.

2. Issues arise meaning that the original choice is no longer available or possible. Any changes will be as close as possible in cost and design as the original.

E.g. flooring materials not suitable as a sprung floor or internal / external doors not available in the sizes required.

3. an issue arises resulting in purchase or supply of an item which did not fall within the original contract but must be replaced or supplied in order to fulfil the rest of the contract.

4. the main contractor, sub-contractor or principle designer identifies a similar design, product or supplier which achieves the same or similar result but with cost efficiencies.

E.g. the number and type of cooling units required in the main hall.

5. an item, product or design recommended to be omitted because it is no longer be needed, or it is found to conflict with other aspects of the project. 

The above scenarios are provided as examples and are not intended to limit the scope for use of delegated authority where a need to alter the original plans, layouts, designs or products arises.

Wherever possible, consultation will be made with the chairman or vice-chairman of the council or a nominated councillor as determined by the authority.


A summary of changes to be provided at the next suitable meeting of the Full Council.


All formal contract variations to be shared and noted at the next suitable meeting of the Full Council.

Any changes agreed will be in reference to the overall project budget, for which the Clerk/RFO will be monitoring and reporting on at meetings of the Full Council. Officers are not permitted to incur expenditure above the specified project budget of £500,000 unless expressly permitted at a meeting of the Full Council.


The following principles apply:

a. Officers will seek to ensure that changes are as cost efficient as possible.

b. Officers will attempt to only agree changes that increase costs by up to 15% of the quoted price (for the individual element to be changed).

c. Wherever possible, increases in cost will be agreed following consultation with the chairman or vice chairman or other nominated councillor as the council determines.

d. For items outside of these parameters, officers and the chairman will determine whether the alteration and any subsequent effects on the budget should be referred to the council for decision at a formal meeting.

e. The chairman and officers may determine that consultation with all council members by email is sufficient.

Exceptions to principle b:

  • where there is a need relating to health and safety
  • where the main contractor or principle designer determines that there is an urgent need
  • for alterations to design, products or items that the council has already identified
  • where the original choice is no longer available and there are limited alternatives to choose from. This is to avoid calling a meeting of the council where there is effectively no choice but to accept the identified alternative.


The limitations of authority to spend set out within the council’s Financial Regulations do not apply where the council has already agreed the expenditure as part of the village hall refurbishment contract.


For example, the council has agreed that the flooring needs to be replaced and this was included in the tender specification and subsequently the contract with the main contractor. Any changes to the flooring type (subject to the provisions set out above) may be authorised by officers as the authority to spend has already been provided by agreeing the contract

Wherever possible, consultation will be made with the chairman or vice-chairman of the council or a nominated councillor as determined by the authority.



In consultation with the chairman/Vice-Chairman or nominated Member, Officers will to determine whether the alteration and any subsequent effects on the budget should be referred to the council for decision at a formal meeting.


The chairman and officers may determine that consultation with all council members by email is sufficient. Note that in these circumstances, the decision will still be made using delegated authority but in consultation with all members of the council.


Officers are authorised to make payments in order to satisfy the payment terms as set out in the JCT Minor Works contract.

As in ordinary practice, all signatories will be contacted with a request to use delegated authority to make a payment; two signatories will be nominated to sign in accordance with the bank mandate.

It is intended that a site visit will be conducted and an up-to-date valuation will be provided by the main contractor before an invoice is issued for works carried out. This will be scrutinised by the principle designer and the RFO. Valuations, contract variations and estimates of the anticipated final account will be shared with the council at the next suitable meeting.

In consultation with all signatories.


Wherever possible, payments will be presented at a meeting before being made. However, it is accepted that the council’s meeting schedule may not align with the invoicing schedule. All payments made, as already provided for in Financial Regulations, shall be reported at the next suitable meeting of the council.


3. Review arrangements

3.1 This policy will be reviewed as required by the Full Council. It is intended that the policy will remain in place for the duration of the refurbishment works which is likely to be up to 6 months. Therefore, an annual review would be unsuitable.


4. Version control and amendment history

Date approved Version Number Revision/amendments made Review Date
July 2023 1.0 New policy/addendum As required