Residential development - West of Sleaford Road, Bracebridge Heath
Residents are invited to attend a consultation event with Stonebridge Homes to discuss a reserved matters planning application for new homes on land west of Sleaford Road.
When: Thursday 19th September 2024, 3pm to 6.30pm
Where: The Main Hall, The Heath: Village Hall & Library
Book a 30 minute consultation with the developer or pop along between 3pm and 6.30pm.
Anyone unable to attend may also request electronic copies of the exhibition material by emailing bracebridgeheath@stonebridgehomes.co.uk
Public meeting
In addition to the above consultation event, Bracebridge Heath Parish Council is holding a public meeting with Stonebridge Homes to hear directly about the proposals. This meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th September 2024 at 7pm at The Heath: Village Hall & Library. Residents are welcome to attend. The agenda can be seen on our website - https://bracebridge-heath.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/council-business/september-2024/3