Personnel committee
The Personnel committee is responsible for the overall management of council employees including recruitment and performance. The committee will also oversee recruitment and matters relating to the performance of council’s role holders in line with relevant legislation and the council’s employment policies. It will also oversee matters relating to the Code of Conduct and the role of Council members.
Cllrs Broad, Callan, Emes, Manders and Trought
Committee terms of reference
The committee shall comprise of no fewer than four members and no more than six.
Primary purpose
The Personnel committee is responsible for the overall management of council employees including recruitment and performance. The committee will also oversee recruitment and matters relating to the performance of council’s role holders in line with relevant legislation and the council’s employment policies. It will oversee matters relating to the Code of Conduct and the role of Council members.
Definition: Role-holders include Councillors, employees and volunteers.
As required.
Budget responsibility
Responsible for staffing budget, training, travel and elections.
In accordance with Standing Orders, a minimum of three members shall be required for decision-making purposes.
As a standing committee, the committee is accountable to Full Council. The committee has delegated powers to act as provided in these terms of reference.
Review arrangements
The appointment of the committee will be considered at the Annual Meeting of Parish Council. In accordance with Standing Orders, the Full Council may decide to alter or dissolve the Personnel committee as required.
The committee shall be permitted to review its Terms of Reference and make recommendations to the Full Council.
Training and experience requirements
Members of the committee are expected to have experience or training in HR matters. Training in employment matters is expected to be undertaken every two years.
Aims and objectives
Role-holder recruitment and performance
- To review and monitor the Council’s staffing establishment and workload to ensure continuance of excellent standards in all aspects of council life
- Recruitment including preparation of job descriptions and contracts, advertising, selection and appointment up to the level of Deputy Clerk
- Ensure induction of new role holders is completed satisfactorily within the set time periods
- Confirmation in post following probationary periods
- Administration of informal and formal disciplinary action in line with the relevant policy
- Administration of informal and formal grievance procedures in line with the relevant policy
- Administration of informal and formal capability action in line with the relevant policy
- Management of the Staff Support, Appraisal and Performance policy
- Management of the Absence policy including absences relating to sickness.
- To manage and monitor staff wellbeing in line with all relevant policies.
- Completion of annual appraisal of the Clerk and performance reviews in line with the relevant policies.
- Receipt of appraisals for all other members of staff and agree training or other actions as required.
- Approval of rates of pay, annual increments and pay progression for all employees.
Recommendation to Full Council:
- Appointment of Clerk or RFO. The Personnel committee may prepare job descriptions, advertising and selection to these posts. The appointment shall be by recommendation to Full Council.
- Staffing restructures leading to:
- potential additional staff; and
- potential redundancy/redeployment of employees.
The Personnel committee may make recommendations relating to staffing restructures for consideration of the Full Council. Any staffing restructures agreed will then be managed and administered by the Personnel committee.
Safeguarding and
- to ensure that safeguarding procedures are in place should any role holders work involve children or vulnerable adults.
- To recommend Prevent training where appropriate to the role holder.
Ethical standards
- referral of complaints made by employees against members of council to North Kesteven District Council (NKDC) in line with the Grievance Policy.
- application of sanctions made by NKDC if appropriate.
Recommendation to Full Council
The committee shall monitor the Code of Conduct and make recommendations to the Full Council regarding review of and implementation of changes to the Code of Conduct or related policies and documents.
- Monitoring and review of the council’s policies relating to role holders (councillors, employees and volunteers) including but not limited to:
Policies relating to Councillors:
- Chairmanship Guidance
- Councillor Vacancies Policy
- Member role profile
Policies relating to all role holders:
- Bullying and Harassment policy
- Councillor and Employee Protocol
- Equality Policy
- Expenses Policy
- Grievance Policy
- Training Policy
Policies relating to employees:
- Absence Policy
- Disciplinary Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Lone Working Policy and Procedure
- Adoption Leave Policy
- Maternity Leave Policy
- Paternity Leave Policy
- Shared Parental Leave Policy
- Staff Support, Appraisal and Performance Policy
- Introduction of new policies relating to role holders.
Hearing Panels
- In accordance with the relevant policy (including Disciplinary policy, Grievance Policy and the Staff Support, Appraisal and Performance policy) , three members of the committee will make up, as necessary, a panel required to hear disciplinary hearings for any role-holder.
- In the case of an appeal, three members of the council that have not played any part in the initial investigation or disciplinary hearing will be called upon to convene an appeal hearing. The decision of the disciplinary or appeal panel, including dismissal, will be binding and will not require additional ratification by either the Personnel committee or the Full Council.
Training and development
- Monitor, review and evaluate training for all role holders. This may include carrying out an audit of skills and use of personal development plans.
- Manage and determine on requests for training and development for role holders.
Vacancies, elections and co-option
- Management of four-yearly elections within the published timescale
- Management of timescales and publicity regarding casual vacancies including elections or co-option.
- Management of the pre-election period and in particular issuing guidance to the Full Council to ensure that role holders are aware of any period of heightened sensitivity.
Selection and co-option of Members to the Council shall be carried out by the Full Council.
- Management of budgets for:
- Staffing
- Training and development
- Travel
- Elections
- The committee shall determine budget requirements as above for the forthcoming financial year(s) and made recommendations to the Full Council.
- The committee shall be permitted to determine other expenses related to staff including but not limited to the purchase of PPE, eye tests, home working allowances.