Minutes - Environment committee - 14th December 2020

Minutes of a meeting of the Environment committee held remotely using Zoom on 14th December 2020 at 19.00

Present: Cllrs Adeyemi, Hauton, Manders, Trought and Walker
In attendance: Clerk to Council, Stacey Knowles and Deputy Clerk, Pete Tuckerman. Cllr Callan observed the meeting.
One member of the public was present.
1. To consider apologies and accept valid reasons for absence – Cllr Adeyemi gave apologies in advance to leave the meeting at 19:30.
2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item – Nil
3. To confirm the minutes of the Environment committee held on 17th November 2020 - It was RESOLVED: That subject to amendments discussed, the minutes of the meeting held on 17th November 2020 be approved and signed as a true copy by the chairman.
4. To consider planning applications
20/1476/FUL- Land to the rear of Red Hall Farm Lane – It was RESOLVED: That Council objects to the application on the following grounds:
  • Overdevelopment of the site – The plot of land is very narrow and too small to accommodate a new dwelling.
  • Layout and density – The proposed new property is not in keeping with those around it which are much larger and have spacious gardens surrounds. CLLP LP26 states that developments should ‘respect the existing topography, landscape character and identity, and relate well to the site and surroundings, particularly in relation to siting, height, scale, massing, form and plot widths’.
  • Overlooking and loss of privacy – The development will result in overlooking and loss of privacy from the proposed kitchen and lounge windows for the neighbouring property to the north on Redhall Drive. This is contrary to CLLP Policy LP26 which states that

‘the amenities which all existing and future occupants of neighbouring land and buildings may reasonably expect to enjoy must not be unduly harmed by or as a result of development. Proposals should demonstrate, where applicable and to a degree proportionate to the proposal, how the following matters have been considered, in relation to both the construction and life of the development:

m. Compatibility with neighbouring land uses;

n. Overlooking’

  • Highway issues including vehicular access and safety – A previous application for construction of an additional property within the curtilage of 8 Red Hall Farm Lane (14/0037/OUT) was refused on the grounds that Red Hall Farm Lane was unsuitable for the introduction of additional traffic as the carriageway is sub-standard. The reason for  refusal detailed the lack of turning head, width of the carriageway and pedestrian access which would have been ‘detrimental to the safety of users of the highway’. It is the view of the Parish Council that these highway issues are still applicable and the application should be refused.
The lack of turning head noted for application 14/0037/OUT is a particular issue with the current application. The plot of land at the proposed point of access is less than 4.8m in width and narrows sharply from this point. As a one bedroomed property can be expected to have two vehicles, the available parking and turning head within the plot of land would be insufficient. Similarly, the development of this property will result in a loss of turning space for the existing 4-bedroomed property of 6 Red Hall Farm Lane. This property could attract 3 or 4 vehicles and the loss of the turning space will result in vehicles reversing onto the single tracked lane. This would increase the safety issues already mentioned, particularly for pedestrians as Red Hall Farm Lane does not have footpaths. The loss of parking at 6 Red Hall Farm Lane may also result in vehicles being parked on the lane which again increases safety risks and access problems for other residents.
The highway safety matters already mentioned are intensified by the fact that the proposed development is very close to a pedestrian entrance and exit to the local primary school. The lane is also used regularly by walkers accessing the Viking Way. Parish Council believe that the application is contrary to the NPPF, section 110 which states that ‘development should create places that are safe, secure and attractive – which minimise the scope for conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, avoid unnecessary street clutter, and respond to local character and design standards’
  • Drainage - Complaints have been made to the Parish Council previously about the issue of standing water on Red Hall Farm Lane. Council is concerned that further development on the lane will exacerbate this matter and that this will be detrimental for existing occupants of the lane.
  • Access – Red Hall Farm Lane is in the ownership of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council. As such, this proposal is subject to right of access being granted by Parish Council.
  • Other observations

Archaeological issues - This site borders on the Roman Road, Ermine Street, and there needs to be archaeological oversight of the development should it be permitted so that any artefacts found may be recorded appropriately.

Climate change technologies - The application lacks detail on the inclusion of climate change technologies.
20 1528 LBC – Revision of layout of second floor of the superintendents building – No objections or comments.
Cllr Adeyemi left the meeting at 19:32
5. Items for the agenda of the next committee meeting – nil
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 19:35
Signed_______________________________Chairman                                     19th January 2021