Minutes - Full Council - 04 February 2025

Minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held at The Heath: Village Hall and Library on 4th February 2025 at 7pm  


Present: Councillors C Barr, C Callan, S Neilson, S Manders, C Broad, V Marden and K Trought.

In attendance: Clerk to Council, Mrs S Knowles, Deputy Clerk to Council, Mrs R Fraser

Two members of the public were in attendance.




Code of conduct reminders

Nolan Principles

Members were reminded of the Nolan Principles which underpin the Council’s Code of Conduct - Selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty & leadership.

Register of interests

The Chairman reminded members that they should submit to the Monitoring Officer at North Kesteven District Council any changes to the content of their Register of Member Interest forms. Interests should be declared in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

25015.      TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES AND ACCEPT VALID REASONS FOR ABSENCE – It was RESOLVED: That apologies for absence be accepted from Cllr Emes. It was RESOLVED: That apologies for absence be accepted from Cllr Stone.



a. TO RECEIVE MEMBERS’ DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADOPTED CODE OF CONDUCT –Cllr Callan declared an ‘other-registerable’ interest in matters relating to the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC). Cllr Manders declared a non-pecuniary interest in matters relating to correspondence regarding SEND Consultation.



25017.         TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING – 14th January 2025 - It was RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 14th January 2025 be approved and signed as a true record by the chairman.



a. TO RECEIVE THE CLERK’S REPORT ON PAYMENTS BETWEEN MEETINGS –. Direct debit payments for January and payment made to return a deposit to a hirer on 23rd Jan 2025. All reports can be downloaded from https://bracebridge-heath.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/downloads/download/62/meeting-reports-february-2025

b. TO REVIEW AND CONSIDER PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS - It was RESOLVED: That payment of accounts as presented at report 25018b be accepted and signed. All reports can be downloaded from https://bracebridge-heath.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/downloads/download/62/meeting-reports-february-2025

c. TO REVIEW AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF BANK RECONCILIATIONS – It was RESOLVED: That bank reconciliations 425-427 and savings account to 31 December 2024 be accepted and signed by Cllr Marden. Bank balances were reported as: Current Account: £227,933.74 and Savings account: £146,306.57


e. TO REVIEW THE COUNCIL’S EARMARKED RESERVES AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS IF REQUIRED – It was RESOLVED: That £1200 is moved to the Woodland and Cemetery reserve. This is a planned reserve movement each year to cover the cost of triennial tree works.

f. TO CONSIDER THE COUNCIL’S RISK REGISTER - It was RESOLVED: That subject to removal of reference to the Finance Committee the Risk Register v1.6 be adopted.

g. TO CONSIDER THE COUNCIL’S ACTION PLAN – A written and verbal report was given. Council accepted the new format of the Action Plan but deferred adoption of the document until the next meeting of the council.  



Items noted:  

  • North Kesteven District Council waste collection
  • Event Group permission
  • FOI response
  • Speeding Red Hall Drive

a. TO CONSIDER A BOOKING REQUEST FOR A MULTI-STALL CHARITY EVENT AT THE PAVILION AT RECREATION GROUND – It was RESOLVED: That permission would be granted to hold a multi-stall charity event at the pavilion at recreation ground, subject to officers receiving satisfactory outstanding documentation.

b. TO AGREE A RESPONSE TO THE GOVERNMENT CONSULTATION ON STRENGTHENING THE STANDARDS AND CONDUCT FRAMEWORK FOR LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN ENGLAND – It was RESOLVED: That the clerk to council be authorised to submit a corporate response on behalf of the council. Members and officers were encouraged to submit individual responses to the consultation.



  • Payments made as reported at item 4a.
  • Credit card statements
  • Authorised LED lanterns to be installed at 2 faulty streetlights on St John’s Road


25021.         PLANNING

a. TO CONSIDER PLANNING APPLICATION 24 1476 RESM, LAND OFF SLEAFORD ROAD, BRACEBRIDGE HEATH - It was RESOLVED: That an objection to the application be made, the following comments were agreed:

Bracebridge Heath Parish Council acknowledges the efforts of Stonebridge Homes in engaging with the council and residents prior to submitting this application. The consultation events that took place were appreciated. The council understands that outline approval has been obtained already which establishes the principle of development and the access arrangements for the site and therefore the following comments are intended to be constructive with a view to improving the overall scheme. Whilst the application has many merits, Bracebridge Heath Parish Council feels it must object on the following points:


Pedestrian access and safety

The council was unable to ascertain from this application or the outline application 20/0057/OUT whether pedestrian access from the site heading north into Bracebridge Heath is provided between the existing Public Right of Way (PROW) and Sycamore Grove. A pedestrian crossing is provided north of the proposed roundabout, but the council feels that pathways should be provided on both sides of Sleaford Road to improve overall safety. The council understands that this sits outside of the site boundary but feels it is pertinent to the delivery of a safe and sustainable development. This request is in line with Policy S48 of the CLLP which states that ‘proposals will protect, maintain and improve existing infrastructure, including closing gaps or deficiencies in the network and connecting communities and facilities’. It was raised during the consultation that the combination of a new roundabout and the proposed pedestrian crossing on Sleaford Road could cause traffic congestion in this area. Could the pedestrian crossing be located further north on Sleaford Road – particularly if the pathway as mentioned above is created? This would create a crossing which benefits existing residents of the village and new residents of the proposed development. The PROW between Grantham Road and Sleaford Road, on the northern boundary of the site is a well-used pathway across the village. During the consultation, concerns were raised about the ongoing maintenance of this PROW and in particular about the hedgerows and trees which line the southern boundary of the PROW.

Has the applicant established who will be responsible for ongoing maintenance? As part of the desire to see safe pedestrian movement from and to the site and connecting with the rest of the village, the council feels that the PROW could be enhanced as part of the development. Currently, it is a muddy track and the council feels that this could be improved to support safe and inclusive access for everyone between the existing residential area to the north (Sycamore Grove) and the proposed development in question. This request is justified and supported by Policy S48 of the CLLP and Policy 17 of the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Plan which states that ‘development proposals should not restrict existing footpaths or cycle routes or preclude opportunities to deliver improved linkages between existing routes.’ Details of lighting throughout the development have not been provided. The council expects that, as a minimum, overhead street lighting is provided on all pedestrian footpaths around the site and in particular within the LEAP and LAPs to ensure the safety and accessibility for all residents and visitors. This is in line with the comments from Lincolnshire Police who seek crime prevention by design.


Management plan

A management plan detailing the future and long-term arrangements for managing the site have not been provided. As part of the application, we seek a robust document which details the maintenance arrangements for open spaces, communal areas of apartments and the infrastructure provided on the site. The document should also detail the arrangements for maintaining site boundaries that do not fall within individual title deeds. In addition, and in line with comments from other consultees, the council seeks assurance that appropriate bin storage areas are provided to ensure that wheelie bins awaiting refuse collection can be stored safely and visibly screened. This mostly relates to properties located on private drives. In connection with the above request for a management plan, the council also previously raised concerns about the long-term maintenance of the western boundary. Highway connection to land to the south-west of the site has been facilitated in the plan with the possible intention of additional residential development. To avoid unnecessary future disputes with neighbours, clarity is needed around the maintenance and management arrangements for the boundary. A situation where the land, trees and hedges become ‘no man’s’ at the end of residents’ gardens needs to be avoided.

Housing type and appearance

Has the applicant demonstrated the need for apartments as per Policy 1 of the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Plan? The type and range of housing should be based upon the evidence provided by the most recent housing needs assessment of the area. Policy 2 of the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Plan states that ‘new developments within or immediately adjoining the village but not within the South East Quadrant SUE, will typically be of one or two storeys. Any proposal that exceeds this will need to demonstrate clearly how it will integrate with the local character.’ If the need for apartments are demonstrated, would it be possible to make these blocks 2.5 storeys while still providing the same number of apartments in total? This would make them a less dominating feature on the development and help them blend with the other plots, particularly for the single storey properties located on the south-western area of the site. The apartments blocks are not the most visually appealing, being made of single red brick work. Would it be possible to soften the appearance of these buildings particularly as the size and massing will already dominate the locations in which they are sited? Perhaps include different brick types or shades or incorporate juliette balconies to the properties facing the primary road and LEAP.

The council is still very concerned that the number of car parking spaces provided for the apartment blocks is insufficient. Additional parking is needed to avoid on street parking and parking on the green and amenity spaces in the development.

Play facilities

The proposed play area is a good design and the council appreciates the efforts made to give the play equipment a local theme. The council would like to request that the ‘informal kickabout area’ on the LEAP is equipped with a simple rebound wall. This would help to define the area as a ‘kickabout area’ and firmly establish that it is an area which is suitable for ball games.


The council seek assurances that the promised vital infrastructure is delivered in a timely manner to avoid already stretched services (health, education & community facilities) simply being overwhelmed. The associated financial contributions and delivery timescales must be the subject of robust conditions with bonds secured where appropriate. This village simply cannot afford to be let down like it has in the past by previous developers. The council acknowledges that the associated combined S106 Agreement, signed at outline stage, covered a larger allocation predominantly within the SEQ. Given that this specific parcel of land is situated outside of the SEQ, we request an amendment to (D) to ensure that the proposed community centre contribution is allocated towards existing community centres within the Parish of Bracebridge Heath.

The council requests that the above matters are considered prior to determination and that these aspects are not left as conditions of an approved scheme.


a. TO NOTE AN APPLICATION TO DISCHARGE CONDITIONS OF 16/1564/OUT (CONDITION 16) – a written and verbal report was given.


c. TO RECEIVE A REPORT ON PLANNING DECISIONS – a written report was given.


25022.         TO NOTE THE UPCOMING PRE-ELECTION PERIOD AND CONSIDER TEMPORARY CHANGES TO THE COUNCIL’S SOCIAL MEDIA - It was RESOLVED:  That the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council Facebook Group be temporarily closed for the pre-election period to avoid breach of the Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity.


The chairmanship of the meeting was passed to Cllr Barr for item 25023, owing to the declared interests of Cllr Callan.


a. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION FOR 2025-2026 - It was RESOLVED: That Bracebridge Heath Parish Council accept the LALC annual subscription for 2025-2026 at a cost of £1,016.28.

b. ANNUAL TRAINING SCHEME FOR 2025-2026 - It was RESOLVED: That Bracebridge Heath Parish Council would subscribe to the Annual Training Scheme for 2025-2026 at a cost of £175 + VAT.

The chairmanship of the meeting was returned to Cllr Callan.

25024.         TO CONSIDER THE JANUARY 2025 TREE INSPECTION REPORT AND ANY ACTIONS REQUIRED – It was RESOLVED: That the January 2025 Tree Inspection report be accepted, that an application for tree works be made to North Kesteven District Council in respect of trees with Tree Preservation Orders; and that quotes be obtained for both the essential and desirable tree work.


25025.         TO CONSIDER AN ALTERATION TO THE COUNCIL’S MEETING SCHEDULE -  It was RESOLVED: That the March 25 Parish Council meeting be moved to Tuesday 11th March 2025 to enable the parish council to be represented at a forthcoming NKDC planning committee meeting on 5th March 25.  

Council session was temporarily suspended to enable the co-option candidate to address members.


25026.         TO CONSIDER CO-OPTION TO COUNCIL VACANCIES – It was RESOLVED: That Annabelle Carr be co-opted to Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.


25027.         TO CONSIDER ITEMS FOR INCLUSION ON THE AGENDA FOR THE NEXT MEETING – Items to be emailed to the Clerk.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20:42.   


Signed___________________________Chairman                                                                                                                   11th March 2025