Agenda - Full Council - 02 July 2024

Full Council

Tuesday 2nd July 2024, 19:00

Pavilion, Recreation Ground, Bath Road

The business to be transacted at the meeting will be as follows: -

Chairman’s welcome and announcements



Code of conduct reminders

Nolan Principles

Members are reminded of the Nolan Principles which underpin the Council’s Code of Conduct - Selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.


Register of interests

Members are reminded to submit to the Monitoring Officer at North Kesteven District Council any changes to the content of their Register of Member Interest forms. Interests should be declared in accordance with the Code of Conduct.


1. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence


2. Declarations of interest

a. To receive members’ declarations of interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct

b. To receive and consider members’ requests for dispensations in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.


3. To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting – 4th June 2024


4. Finance and governance

a. To receive the clerk’s report on payments between meetings

b. To review and consider payment of accounts

c. To review and consider approval of bank reconciliations

d. To review budget, income and expenditure

e. To approve direct debit payments to F1 Group for the IT support contract

f. To confirm requirements for insurance for 2024-2025 and accept a quote from Clear Councils under the long-term agreement


5. To receive the clerks report on correspondence received and consider any recommendations


6. To receive and accept a report on decisions made using delegated authority


7. Planning

a. To consider planning applications received since the last meeting of the council

b. To receive a report on planning decisions


8. To consider Parish Council grants


9. To consider arrangements and purchase of Christmas lighting and trees 


10. To consider purchase of a replacement Beech Tree in accordance with 23/0717/TPO


11. To consider placement of a defibrillator at The Heath and purchase of a cabinet if required


12. To consider co-option to council vacancies


13. To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting


Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960


14. To consider quotations for water leak detection and repair at the allotments


Mrs S Knowles - Clerk to Council – Bracebridge Heath Parish Council                            25th June 2024