Agenda - Finance & Policy committee - 16th June 2020

Finance & Policy committee


Tuesday 16th June 2020, 19:30

Remote meeting using Zoom


Meeting access:

Meeting ID: 815 7414 2889;

 Telephone access: Please dial 0203 481 5240 and enter the meeting ID number.



Members of press and public are welcome to observe this council meeting using the published access code. Please note this is a public meeting which may be filmed, recorded and published.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the above meeting. Members of press and public may observe all discussion.

The business to be transacted will be as follows:-


1. To consider apologies and accept valid reasons for absence


2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item.


3. To confirm the minutes of the Finance & Policy committee held on 19th February 2020


4. To consider budget, income and expenditure


5. To consider banking arrangements and signatories


6. To consider levels of insurance cover prior to policy renewal


7. To consider applications for Parish Council grants


8. To consider policies for review


a. Financial Regulations

b. Standing Orders

c. Code of Conduct

d. Grievance policy

e. Data Protection policy

f. Subject Access Request procedure


9. To consider matters carried over from Finance & Policy committee meetings

a. Skills audit

b. Local Council Awards Scheme

c. Healthy hubs grant

d. Action plan


10. To consider items referred from Full Council

a. Proposals for a community garden at the Church of St John the Evangelist

b. Community Infrastructure Levy funding


11. To consider publication of a parish information sheet


12. To consider replacement office equipment


13. Items for the agenda of the next committee meeting



S Knowles, Clerk to Council – Bracebridge Heath Parish Council                    08 June 2020