Member Role Profiles

1. Introduction 

Members of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council bring with them a wide variety of experience, skills, knowledge and understanding when they take office for the first time or when re-elected. Members of council may be elected or co-opted but all are equal when the declaration of office is signed. 

As a publicly elected and accountable body, the council has a responsibility to be transparent and accountable. The council works from a set of standing orders which govern all activities. All councillors need to be familiar with these. 

This document should be read in conjunction with other Parish Council policies. The document Bracebridge Heath Parish Council Committee Structure is useful for information regarding the composition of committees and sub-committees. Policies can be viewed at 

These profiles have been developed as a guide for councillors in fulfilling their various roles. They are advisory and are not exhaustive. The aim is to help councillors determine their development and training needs, particularly when taking on a new role within the council.


2. Councillor 

2.1 The role of the councillor includes the following 

i. observing the current code of conduct adopted by the council; 

ii. attending meetings when summoned to do so (the notice to attend a council meeting is, in law, a summons because you have a duty to attend); 

iii. considering in advance of the meeting the agenda and any related documents that were sent out with the agenda; 

iv. taking part in meetings and considering all the relevant facts and issues on matters which require a decision including the views of others expressed at the meeting; 

v. taking part in voting as necessary; 

vi. respecting decisions made by the majority of those present and voting; 

vii. ensuring with other councillors that the council is properly managed; 

viii. representing the whole electorate; 

ix. being aware of issues and concerns affecting the parish as a whole; 

x. being proactive in seeking to find solutions to issues and concerns; 

xi. extending knowledge and skills through appropriate learning and development 


2.2 Skills and knowledge required 

The following skills or willingness to attend training to build these skills are needed: 

i. basic numeracy, IT and literacy skills; 

ii. basic administration skills; 

iii. ability to build relationships with all sections of the community; 

iv. ability to work as an effective member of a team; 

v. active listening and questioning skills; 

vi. public speaking skills. 


The following knowledge or willingness to attend training to extend knowledge is needed: 

i. an understanding and awareness that the council is a corporate body separate from that of its members/councillors; 

ii. an awareness and understanding of the council’s standing orders, finance regulations and all other council policies; 

iii. an understanding of the council’s role as an employer; 

iv. an understanding of the basics of parish council finance and accountability. 


3. Committee Chairmen 

3.1 The role of committee chairman is an extension of the role of the councillor with the addition of the following: 

i. chairing meetings in accordance with council's standing orders and committee terms of reference; 

ii. fostering and maintaining a disciplined approach by the councillors involved having regard to high standards of behaviour and ethics in accordance with the councillor's Code of Conduct; 

iii. ensuring that, if applicable, contributions by members and the public to meetings are encouraged, facilitated and controlled in accordance with the agreed procedure; 

iv. providing input to the preparation of the agenda; 

v. attending pre-meeting briefings with the Clerk and other officers as may be required; 

vi. ensuring that public meetings are delivered to the highest standard, demonstrating transparency in decision-making and cultivating the trust of the general public; 

vii. balancing the need for openness and transparency against duties of confidentiality owed to others; 

viii. taking responsibility for personal development and undergoing appropriate development and continuous improvement for any role undertaken. 


3.2 Committee Vice Chairman 

The role of the committee vice chairman is to work with the committee chairman to achieve the above and deputise whenever necessary. 

3.3 Skills and knowledge required for a committee chairman and vice chairman 

In addition to the skills required by councillors, the following or a willingness to attend training to build these skills are needed: 

Chairmanship skills including: 

  a. presentation skills; 

  b. listening, questioning and negotiating skills; 

  c. ability to manage conflict; 

  d. impartiality and objectivity. 



i. an understanding of the council’s standing orders and code of conduct; 

ii. knowledge of the public participation rules within the standing orders; 

iii. an understanding of the terms of reference of the committee. 


4. Parish Council Chairman 

4.1 The role of parish council chairman is an extension of the committee chairman’s role with the addition of the following: 

i. providing leadership to the council; 

ii. promoting good governance and high ethical standards; 

iii. undertaking the role of ‘community leader’; 

iv. developing and supporting a vision and strategy for the community; 

v. representing the council and being accountable for discussions and negotiations with the media, community, district, county and national organisations; 

vi. facilitating good communication and relationships between council members and the clerk and the wider community. 


4.2 The role of the parish council vice chairman is to work with the chairman to achieve the above and deputise whenever necessary. 

4.3 Skills and knowledge required for the parish council chairman and vice chairman 

In addition to the skills required by councillors and committee chairmen the following are needed or a willingness to attend training to build these skills: 

i. ability to work with the media to ensure the council is represented positively. 

ii. detailed understanding of the council’s standing orders and code of conduct; 

iii. in depth understanding of the public participation rules within the standing orders. 


5. Representatives to other organisations 

5.1 Role of the representative 

It is expected that councillors will attend meetings with other organisations. The role of all appointed delegates is an extension of the role of councillor with the addition of the following: 

i. attendance at the relevant meetings; 

ii. representing the parish council in dealings with the relevant organisation, association or group; 

iii. active engagement with the business of the meeting; 

iv. reporting back to full council. 


5.2.1. Representatives are appointed to organisations inside and outside the parish of Bracebridge Heath including but not limited to:
Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holder’s Association
Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club
Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Watch
Heath U3A
St John the Evangelist Church
Bracebridge Heath Village Hall Management Committee
Cliff Cluster of parishes
Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils
6. Version control and amendment history
Date approved Version number Revision/amendments made Review Date
September 2015 1.0 New policy Not known
October 2021 1.1

New format

Revision to list of organisation

October 2023