The vision and objectives
Our vision is to deliver a modern community facility at the heart of the village. A community space for all; young and old, to meet for recreation, social events, education, and entertainment, catering for the needs of today and for a larger community in the decades ahead.
Our objectives are to refurbish the building throughout and extend to ensure it meets the village's future needs. This project also includes the creation of a dedicated space for the community hub and library. The current site for the community hub is leased through Lincolnshire County Council. It is tired and outdated and lacks energy efficiency. A new space within the village hall will help to secure the future of the community hub and library and its services. It will also enable us to improve the existing services and experience for volunteers and library users, with better facilities and possible expansion of the services offered
Download our project plan for more information. Our consulation has now closed but you can view all the responses received in our project plan.
Update - September 2023
Our contractor began work to refurbish the hall in August 2023 and is making good progress. See our photo update below.

Update - July 2023
Village Hall tender awarded
The council has recently concluded a formal tender process for the refurbishment and extension of the village hall and is pleased to report that the contract has been awarded to Clarke Group Construction Ltd (www.clarkegroup.co.uk ). We look forward to working with them on this project and rejuvenating the hall into a thriving community space.
The work is planned to begin over the summer so please be aware that there will be reduced access to the village hall car park for the duration.
We’re excited to get started and look forward to providing you with updates on this project as it progresses.
Update - March 2023
Planning permission - North Kesteven District Council has approved the planning application to to refurbish and extend the hall.
Building regulations - An application to building control has been submitted.
Asbestos survey - Pre-construction survey completed by a contractor
Funding - Additional information has been sent to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to progress the borrower approval
Tender documents - All documents required to go out to tender have been approved by the council.
Update - 25th January 2023
Consultation responses
Following the consultation held between December 22 and January 23, the council has had an opportunity to review the responses and determine the support for the project including the council’s proposals to take out a loan to fund the work. The responses were positive and the council deemed that it had enough public support to go ahead with the project. View the project plan, consultation responses and other details on our website - https://bracebridge-heath.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/homepage/13/bracebridge-heath-village-hall-refurbishment-project.
Funding for the project
At its meeting on 17th January 2023, the council unanimously resolved to submit an application for the approval to borrow funds. This application will be sent to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to borrow funds of up to £500,000 from either the Public Works Loan Board or other appropriate source over the borrowing term of 30 years for the purpose of refurbishing the village hall, relocating the community hub and creation of a community meeting room and office. The annual loan repayments will come to around £30,787.
It is also intended to increase the council tax precept for the purpose of the loan repayments by 20.37% which is the equivalent of an additional £16.34 a year per band D property. This was subject to consultation held between 14th December 2022 and 10th January 2023. Please see more information about the council’s budget and precept request for 2023-2024 below.
Grant funding
In addition to seeking approval to borrow to fund the project, the council also resolved to submit an application to the National Lottery Community Fund. If successful, the application for funding would help to fund some aspects of the project and mean that the council needs to borrow less money overall.
Planning permission
Through its architect, Kingsmead Design Ltd, the council also agreed to submit an application to North Kesteven District Council for planning permission to complete two small extensions to the village hall. Updates on the project will be made available on the dedicate pages on our website.