St John's Church Bracebridge Heath

St John’s Church Bracebridge Heath
We would love you to join us at some of our Services and events. (please see and the church noticeboard for details).
The St John’s Well being café runs on the first and last Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm. (to coincide with school collection times). All are welcome and our volunteers include representatives from the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council and Night Light Café. On the last Tuesday’s we welcome Ann’s craft. First Tuesday’s we are often joined by organisations concerned with community wellbeing.
GoGro joins us again in September for two further sessions to deliver interactive cooking demonstrations on healthy eating using a slow cooker. Come along and join our free fun sessions and learn how to create healthy and nutritious meals.
Tuesday 5th September 2-4pm and Tuesday 26th September 2-4pm
Night Light café runs on alternate Sunday’s from 6-9 pm here at St John’s church.
Partnered with the NHS Night Light Cafés offer ,throughout Lincolnshire, a place to come if life gets hard or you are feeling lonely. There are people to chat to and offer support and information if needed. There is space to just be quiet too. Lots of refreshments and it’s warm.
For further information on Night Light Cafes please ring 0300 011 1200
Or visit Facebook
Vicar: Revd Jacqueline Bell : 01522 244751
Find us on Facebook and
As the Church in Bracebridge Heath we continue to be here for you as you encounter the joyful and sad times of life. Please do get in touch if you think we can help with baptisms, weddings and funerals. If you would like a place to pause and reflect or be with others, then please do come and spend some time in church, either on a Wednesday between 10am and 4pm, a Sunday at the 10 am service, the 1st Saturday of every month at the monthly Community Coffee morning or the monthly PRAYER BREAKFAST on the 2nd Saturday. We are also collectors for Branston Foodbank.