Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the project take?

Kingsmead Design are confident this project can be successfully delivered within 12 months. This estimate takes into account all the necessary pre-start phases (consultation, borrowing approval, planning approval and tendering).    


How much will the project cost?

£500,000 (RIBA Stage 2 Estimate Costs).


How will we finance the project?

Our primary funding source will be a Public Works Loan. This is a mechanism that allows public authorities to borrow from HM Government. The council have concluded that this is the only viable option to move this project forward.  This represents a Band D precept increase of £16.24 per year. 


Why are we consulting residents again?

We have consulted previously on the plans for the village hall. However, this final consultation is required to demonstrate public support as part of our application to HM Government (DLUHC) to borrow funds. We also would like to give all our stakeholders a chance to shape this project.     


Who will be responsible for the building?

The hall is owned by the parish council. On reopening, the village hall will also be managed and operated by the parish council.


Why can’t the Library stay where it is?

We appreciate that the library has been at its current location for many years. However, the current site is the original prefabricated building built in the 1960s. As such, the building is extremely inefficient to run and its layout and size are also now inadequate for the services that are offered. Moving into the village hall, will improve the experience of customers and volunteers with better facilities including more places to sit and relax and essential facilities such as the provision of customer toilets.