Minutes - Environment committee - 16th December 2019

Minutes of a meeting of the Environment committee held on 16th December 2019 in the Bracebridge Heath Community Library at 20:00

Present: Cllrs Adeyemi, Kilcoyne, Manders, Moran, Trought and Walker.
In attendance: Mrs S Knowles, Clerk to Council. 
Cllrs Barr and Parr observed the meeting

1. To consider apologies for absence and note the reason where appropriate – 

  • It was RESOLVED: That apologies be accepted from Cllr Hauton.
  • It was RESOLVED: That apologies be accepted from Cllr Smith.

2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item – 

  • Cllr Trought declared a non-registerable interest in matters relating to planning application 19/1616/HOUS 6 Lancia Crescent.
  • Cllrs Manders and Walker explained that there were acquainted with the applicant of 19/1616/HOUS, 6 Lancia Crescent. The interest was not registerable.

Cllr Moran arrived at the meeting at 19:02

3. To consider planning applications –
19/1560/HOUS – 33 Appian Way–

Bracebridge Heath Parish Council declared an interest in application 19/1560/HOUS, 33 Appian Way, as the property is adjacent to allotment land managed by Council.

Council did not object to the application but offered the following comments. Council expresses concern regarding the proximity of the proposed extension to the hedge at the adjacent allotment site. The applicant should seek permission from Bracebridge Heath Parish Council should they require access for the purposes of construction from the allotment land.

  • 19/1616/HOUS - 6 Lancia Crescent – No comments or objections
  • 19/1644/TPO - 40 Salisbury Drive – It was RESOLVED: That Council object to the application on the grounds that there is no arboricultural evidence to suggest that the tree is in an unhealthy condition or structurally unsafe. The application is not supported with sufficient photographs or sketches to determine the intended work. Council notes the comments made in application 17/0048/TPO which was refused in 2017.
  • 19/1693/HOUS - 26 Wells Drive – No comments or objections.
  • 19/1581/OUT – 62 Ridgeview Road – It was RESOLVED: That Council object to the application on the following grounds:

The proposed new properties are situated approximately 10m further forward than the previous dwelling on ground that slopes down to the west. This makes the properties more visible from the Witham floor. The previous building because of its position was less visible. Additionally, surrounding buildings to the north of the development site are flat roofed and surrounded by trees to prevent visibility from the valley floor.

The application is contrary to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Policy LP26, Design and Amenity. In particular, sections G, H and I of Policy LP26 which state that developments should: incorporate appropriate landscape treatment; provide hard and soft landscaping that reflect the function and character of the development; protect important views, into, out of or through the site.

The proposal does not protect the significance of the historic environment. Red Hall Farm is a locally important building which was built in circa 1669. The proposed buildings do not complement the historical significance of Red Hall Farm as one of the oldest farms in Bracebridge Heath.

The application is contrary to the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Policy LP25, Historic Environment.

Council object to the layout and density of the development including the design and finishing materials. The proposal is for construction of two 2-storey buildings. This will not be in keeping with the surrounding area as the majority in the vicinity are all single storey. Two properties to the north of the site are single storey and have flat roofs to avoid a visually solid block from the valley below.

The position of the buildings should be no further forward than the original building to ensure that it is not on the sloped edge. 

The materials should be the same type as those used in the demolished buildings to protect the historical significance. Former buildings were constructed of stone.

No landscaping has been proposed to prevent the new developments being easily seen from the valley below unlike the properties to the north.

This is contrary to NKDC’s Landscape Assessment which states that the visual boundaries (between settlements) should be enhanced and strengthened at every opportunity.

Should North Kesteven District Council be minded to approve this application Council requests that the following conditions be applied:

  • That landscaping in front of the properties be included to screen the development from the valley floor.
  • That the development is restricted to single storey properties to limit visibility from the valley floor.
  • That any permission granted restricts the redevelopment of the swimming pool and squash court building in separate living accommodation.

Cllr Moran left the meeting at 19:44

4. To consider urgent repairs to streetlighting– It was RESOLVED: That the damaged streetlight outside the village hall be replaced.

Cllr Moran re-joined the meeting at 19:46

5. To consider correspondence regarding the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – It was agreed that some amendments were required to the village profile:

  • inclusion of the cemetery off Sleaford Road;
  • inclusion of play areas absent from the profile.

The response would be sent by the clerk to council.

6. To consider VE Day 2020 – It was RESOLVED: That any profits from the event be used to support the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance.

7. Items for the agenda of the next committee meeting – Planning application 16/1564/OUT – all councillors to be summoned to the Environment committee on 20th January 2020.

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 19:55
Signed_______________________________Chairman 20th January 2020