Minutes - Environment committee - 17th November 2020

Draft notes of a meeting of the Environment committee held remotely using Zoom on 17th November 2020 at 19.34


Present: Cllrs Adeyemi (joined at 19:34), Manders, Smith (19:55), Trought and Walker                    

In attendance:  Clerk to Council, Stacey Knowles. Cllrs Callan and Moran observed the meeting. No members of public were present


1. To consider apologies and accept valid reasons for absence – Nil


2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item – Nil


3. To confirm the minutes of the Environment committee held on 20th October 2020 - It was RESOLVED: That subject to amendments discussed, the minutes of the meeting held on 20th October 2020 be approved and signed as a true copy by the chairman.


4. To consider planning applications –

20/1371/ADV - St John’s Village – It was RESOLVED: That Council objects to the application on the grounds that the sign will be overbearing in nature. The size of the sign will be detrimental to the street scene, particularly as it is very close to the war memorial. It will also be a distraction to road traffic on the A15, London Road.

20/1464/HOUS – 25 Vauxhall Road – No objections or comments.


5. To receive a report on planning decisions received – Written report provided. Cllr Manders reported on her attendance to speak at the NKDC Lafford planning sub-committee on 10th November 2020 regarding planning application 20/0752/FUL, Land off Westminster Drive and Canwick Avenue. Despite Council’s objections to the increase in dwellings, the application was approved by NKDC.


6. To consider a response to the consultation for the NKDC Tree Strategy –

Cllr Smith joined the meeting at 19:34

Council welcomes and supports the adoption of the tree strategy. Of particular interest was the community orchard initiative. Council would also like to see more oak trees within the district.   


7. To consider the planting of additional trees – It was RESOLVED: That subject to the necessary approvals, that two lime trees be purchased to be planted on the western side of the recreation ground play area..

It was RESOLVED: That B & B Tree specialists be contracted to remove the cherry tree from the burial ground and carry out appropriate stump treatment.


8. To consider Viking Way signage – It was agreed that further pedestrian signage be investigated for placement on Red Hall Farm Lane. It was agreed that information about North Kesteven Stepping Out walks be explored with the possibility of adding this section of the Viking Way to the network of walks already available.


9. To consider a specification for replacement streetlight columns – It was agreed that further information about replacement columns and lanterns be investigated for discussion at a future meeting of the committee.


10. To consider street furniture for the Eastern Bypass – No street furniture agreed at this point. The procedure and process for permission to include street furniture at a later date would be determined.


11. To consider committee budget 2021/2022 –

Cllr Adeyemi left the meeting at 20:41 and re-joined at 20:42.

Cllr Adeyemi left the meeting at 20:47 and re-joined at 20:48

Cllr Smith left the meeting at 20:48 and re-joined at 20:49.

No business was conducted whilst the meeting was inquorate. 

It was RESOLVED: That a recommendation be made to Full Council to set the2020/2021 Environment committee budget at £18925.00.


12. Items for the agenda of the next committee meeting – Heritage trail, street lighting, Fields in Trust


There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 20:52




Signed_______________________________Chairman                        14th December 2020


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