Minutes - Personnel committee - 29th November 2022

Draft notes of a meeting of the Personnel committee held on 29th November 2022 at the Bracebridge Heath Community Library


Present: Cllrs Broad, Callan, Manders, Marden and Trought.

In attendance: Clerk to Council, Mrs S Knowles                                                                            No members of public were present.


1. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence– It was RESOLVED: That apologies for absence be accepted from Cllr Barr.

It was RESOLVED: That apologies for absence be accepted from Cllr Smith.


2. Declarations of interest

a. To receive members’ declarations of interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct – Cllr Callan declared a non-pecuniary interest in matters relating to the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.

b. To receive and consider members’ requests for dispensations in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct and Standing Orders – Nil

3. To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting – 25th August 2022 – It was RESOLVED: That the minutes be accepted and signed by the Chairman.

4. To consider quotations and options for health and safety training for staff – It was RESOLVED: That the clerk seeks a bespoke package from Singleton Associates at a cost of £300 for a half day course; alternatively the quotation from Assurance Lincolnshire shall be accepted.

5. To accept the draft valuation results and contribution rates for the council’s membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme – It was RESOLVED: That the draft valuation be accepted.

6. To consider the staffing budget for 2023/24 – It was RESOLVED: That a staffing budget of £89,174.65 be recommended to Full Council.

7. Items for the agenda of the next sub-committee meeting – Nil


Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of business

It was RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of the following items on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information.

8. To consider staffing matters – A written report was received.

It was RESOLVED: That the terms and conditions of employment for the Facilities Cleaner be altered, 16 hours per week to include litter picking duties on a permanent basis.

The committee thanked the Facilities Cleaner for her work in keeping the village tidy.


It was RESOLVED That following completion of the ILCA qualification, the Deputy Clerk be awarded an increase in salary by one SCP.

The committee congratulated the Deputy Clerk on achieving her qualification.

It was RESOLVED: That Cllrs Barr and Manders be nominated to complete the clerk’s appraisal. The clerk was authorised to use delegated authority to choose another councillor if the nominated councillors were unavailable.


There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 17:48




