Draft notes - Neighbourhood Plan sub-committee 21 September 2020

Draft notes of a meeting of Neighbourhood Plan sub-committee held remotely using Zoom on 21st September 2020 at 19:30
Present: Cllr Barr, Mrs Donaldson, Cllr Manders and Cllr Trought and Cllr Walker
In attendance: Mrs R Fraser – Assistant Clerk to Council. No members of public were present
1. To consider apologies and accept valid reasons for absence – It was RESOLVED: That apologies be accepted from Ms Elwood.
It was RESOLVED: That apologies be accepted from Mrs Kempton.
2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to
any agenda item – Nil
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14th July 2020 - It was RESOLVED: That minutes dated 14th July 2020 be approved
and signed as a true record by the chairman.
4. To consider the consultation statement for the draft Neighbourhood Plan – An informal review of the document had been carried
out by NKDC. Feedback was positive and there was just one amendment suggested. Members thanked Cllr Manders for her hard
work in preparing the documents.
5. To receive an update on the application for funding from Groundwork– It was reported that the application had been successful .
It was RESOLVED: That Open Plan would be instructed to proceed from 1st October 2020.
6. To receive an update on the completion of the basic conditions statement – A verbal update was given.
7. To consider the next steps and timescales for completion – It was agreed the clerk would obtain further instructions from NKDC
regarding the regulation 16 consultation timescales and guidelines.
It was agreed that a recommendation be made to Full Council that approval is given for the Neighbourhood Plan to be submitted to
NKDC to begin the Regulation 16 consultation. Approval to be given subject to the satisfactory completion of the basic conditions
statement by consultants at OpenPlan.
8. To consider agenda items for the next meeting of the sub-committee – Nil
There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:04

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