Minutes - Environment committee - 22 September 2020

Minutes of a meeting of the Environment committee held remotely using Zoom on 22nd September 2020 at 19.30

Present: Cllrs Adeyemi, Hauton, Manders, Smith and Trought
In attendance: Assistant Clerk to Council, Mrs R Fraser. No members of public were present
1. To consider apologies and accept valid reasons for absence – It was RESOLVED: That apologies from Cllr Walker be accepted.
2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation
to any agenda item – Nil
3. To confirm the minutes of the Environment committee held on 17th August 2020 - It was RESOLVED: That the minutes of the
meeting held on 17th August 2020 be approved and signed as a true copy by the chairman.
4. To consider planning applications –
20 0888 PNTEL - London Road – The Parish Council object to the removal of the telephone box on London Road. It is the only public
landline within the village. This phone box is essential if there is an emergency and other methods of communication are
unavailable. Figures show the phone was used 36 times in a 12-month period.
20 0459 PNTEL - St Johns Road - No comment or objections.
20 0981 HOUS - 6 Medland Drive - No comment or objections.
20 1130 HOUS - 19 Johnson Drive - No comment or objections.
20 PL 0105 20 - Former police station - The Parish Council has no objection to this application, and it was agreed it is a positive transformation of the building. However, it was noted that the application lacks detail.
The Parish Council would like to raise the following concerns –
  • There is no indication within the application of the positioning of the play area. If the play area is at the back this may have a negative noise impact on the nearby residents. If the area is at the front there may be security issues, unless high security fencing is installed.
  • There is no reference to the vehicle access to the site. Entering and exiting will be difficult from Whitehall Crescent onto London Road at busy times of the day. Will the keep clear markings on London Road be kept?
  • There are concerns staff, parents and visitors will use Whitehall Crescent to park, causing disruption to the residents of this cul-de-sac. There is no indication of how this will be prevented.
5. To receive a report on planning decisions received – A written report was received.
Cllr Smith left the meeting at 19:55.
6. To consider correspondence regarding trees in Bracebridge Heath – Correspondence from a resident regarding the cutting of a tree growing very close to their perimeter fence was considered. It was RESOLVED: That following recommendation from the NKDC tree officer, the tree would be removed and two new trees would be planted in suitable locations.
Cllr Smith re-joined the meeting at 19:58.
7. To consider correspondence regarding footpath and highways improvements – Correspondence from a resident regarding the condition of Vauxhall Road and Lagonda Close was considered. It was agreed that the assistant clerk to council would contact Cllr Moran and ask him to respond to the resident directly, confirming what action he had taken and any outcome.
8. To consider purchase of signage for the cemetery – It was RESOLVED: Having considered several options of cemetery signage it was agreed that four aluminium street signs in gold and black would be purchased from Street Signs Direct.
9. To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan sub-committee - A verbal report was given. It was agreed that the Neighbourhood Plan would be placed on the agenda of the next Full Council meeting for approval to progress to the Regulation 16 consultation.
10. To consider items carried over from the Environment committee meetings -
     a. Committee action plan – The draft action plan was discussed, and all objectives and actions reviewed. The committee agreed they were happy with the contents of the action plan.

     b. Application to Fields in Trust – verbal report given.

     c. Village heritage trails – this item was discussed under item 10a

     d. Creation of a wildlife corridor – this item was discussed under item 10a

     e. Planting of additional trees - The planting of additional trees was discussed, and it is included in the committee action plan. It was agreed the assistant clerk to Council would obtain information regarding tree sponsorship.


11. Items for the agenda of the next committee meeting – trees, action plan, footpath and highways improvements, cemetery signage, Fields in Trust


There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 21.00





Signed_______________________________Chairman                        19th October 2020