Minutes - Finance & Policy - 19 October 2020

Draft notes of a meeting of Finance & Policy committee held remotely via Zoom on 19th October 2020 at 19:30

Present: Cllrs Barr, Callan, Kilcoyne, Manders and Walker.
In attendance: Mrs S Knowles, Clerk to Council. No members of public were present
1. To receive apologies and accept valid reasons for absence– Nil
2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item - Nil
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18th August 2020- It was RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Finance & Policy committee held on 18th August 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.
4. To consider budget, income and expenditure – No concerns.
5. To consider and make recommendations for writing off bad debt – It was RESOLVED: That a recommendation be made to
Council that a total of £405.60 of bad debt is written off in respect of allotment rent and pavilion hire.
6. To consider disposal of assets – It was RESOLVED: That a recommendation be made to Full Council that two laptops, one
printer, one hard drive and a steamer be disposed of and the asset register updated.
7. To consider banking arrangements and changes to signatories – It was RESOLVED: That a recommendation be made to Full Council that members of council may
  • take part in discussion of; or
  • vote upon payments to be made
        only after they have complied with any request of council bankers regarding anti money laundering regulations or other legislation.
It was RESOLVED: That a recommendation be made to Full Council that delegated authority be given to the clerk to authorise all
payments in the event that:
  • the number of members who are able to discuss and approve payments falls below the quorum of a meeting; or
  • the number of authorised signatories able to approve payments falls below the number identified in Financial Regulations.
It was RESOLVED: That a recommendation be made to Full Council that Cllr Broad be appointed as a signatory for Council’s bank
account to replace Cllr Adeyemi.
It was RESOLVED: That a recommendation be made to Full Council that should the required paperwork requested by Co-op Bank not be received from Cllr Moran before the next meeting of council then Cllr Callan be appointed as a signatory for Council's bank account to replace Cllr Moran.
8. To consider polices for review
a. Email and use of the internet policy – It was RESOLVED: That subject to amendments discussed, the email and use of the internet policy v2.0 be adopted.
b. Communications policy – It was RESOLVED: That the Communications policy v1.1 be adopted.
c. Online interaction – policy not ready for review and would be deferred to a future meeting.
9. To consider matters carried over from Finance and Policy committee meetings
a. Update on the new parish council website – A verbal update was given. Item 11a. was discussed at this point.
It was RESOLVED: That the quote from Intellitech Services for transferring content from the old website be accepted.
b. Council action plan- the draft action plan was reviewed. It was agreed that this document be referred to Full Council for adoption.
10. Items for the agenda of the next committee meeting – Parish council grants, budget and precept
11. To consider items referred from Full Council
a. Quote for transferring website content to the new website – Discussed at item 9a.
b. Quotes for installation and supply of broadband at the pavilion – Quotes not received. A verbal update was given by the clerk.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 21.18
Signed_______________________________Chairman                      21st December 2020