Minutes - Finance and general purposes committee - 17th September 2018
Minutes of a meeting of Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 17th September 2018 in the Bracebridge Heath Community Library at 20:00
Present: Cllrs Donaldson, Fletcher, Kilcoyne, Mrs Manders (Chairman), Mrs Trought
In attendance: Mrs S Knowles, Clerk to Council
1 member of public was present
1. To consider apologies for absence and note the reason where appropriate It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That apologies for absence be accepted from Cllr Lowery
2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item Nil
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held 20th August 2018 It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 20th August 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
4. To consider the Community Library A verbal update was given on the library refurbishment.
5. To consider Remembrance Sunday arrangements A verbal report was given. Permission from Mabec Property Ltd had been obtained to congregate at the rear of the war memorial.
6. To consider policies for review
- Online Interaction Policy – It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the Online Interaction Policy v1.1 be recommended for adoption by Council.
- Health and Safety Policy – It was requested that the Health and Safety Policy be reviewed at the next meeting of the committee.
7. To conduct a quarterly review of Council’s data map The data map was reviewed. No concerns raised. The Clerk to Council would continue to add to the document.
8. To review the 2018/2019 budget It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That polling cards would not be requested from North Kesteven District Council for standalone by-elections. The committee reviewed income and expenditure. No concerns raised.
9. To consider earmarked reserves No changes at present.
10. To consider invoices for payment between the meetings It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the following payments are made between Full Council meetings for invoices due:
Approval at Finance & General Purposes Committee – 17.09.2018
- 18/09/2018 Cheque Ray Iles – The Old Tool Store £300.00 Wood carving tools
- 18/09/2018 BACS Earth Anchors £719.10 Litter bins
- 18/09/2018 Cheque Name Badges International £127.57 Councillor/employee identification
- 28/09/2018 BACS Centre for Civil Society £72.00 Living Wage Foundation registration
- 28/09/2018 BACS Community Lincs £737.40 Neighbourhood Plan consultancy
- 28/09/2018 BACS Continental Landscapes Ltd £649.82 Grass cutting & pitch marking
- 28/09/2018 BACS EON £790.20 Street lighting maintenance
- 28/09/2018 BACS HMRC £557.01 Tax and NI
- 28/09/2018 BACS Lincolnshire Pension Fund £782.33 Pension contributions
- 28/09/2018 BACS PKF Littlejohn £480.00 External audit fee
- 28/09/2018 BACS Playsafety Ltd £357.00 Annual play inspections
- 28/09/2018 BACS Rigby Taylor £215.70 Football pitch maintenance
- 28/09/2018 BACS Shell UK Ltd £9.58 Handyman fuel
- 28/09/2018 BACS Wicksteed Leisure Ltd £7338.00 Slide – Grantham Road park
- 28/09/2018 BACS Salaries and Reimbursements £3045.97 Salary and reimbursements
11. To consider items for the agenda for the next committee meeting Precept
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 21.08
Signed_______________________________Chairman 15th October 2018