Minutes - Neighbourhood plan sub-committee - 27th September 2018
Minutes of a meeting of Neighbourhood Plan sub-committee held on 27th September 2018 in the Bracebridge Heath Community Library at 19:00
Present: Mr Barr, Cllr Donaldson, Mrs Donaldson, Ms Elwood, Cllr Mrs Trought, Cllr Mrs Walker (Chairman)
In attendance: Mrs S Knowles –Clerk to Council, Cllr Mrs Humphrey (observer), Cllr Mrs Manders (observer)
Two members of public were present
1. To receive apologies for absence – Dr Kirk
2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda – Nil.
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 26th July 2018 - It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 26th July 2018 be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
4. To receive feedback on the Neighbourhood Plan vision events- A verbal report was given. The vision event was very positive and
well attended.
It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the sub-committee session be suspended to enable Cllr Mrs Manders to speak as an observer.
Sub-committee session was suspended at 19:08 and resumed at 19:09
5. To consider a neighbourhood plan vision and objectives – It was agreed that an informal workshop would be held with members of the group to draft the vision statement.
It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the sub-committee session be suspended to enable Cllr Mrs Manders to speak as an observer.
Sub-committee session was suspended at 19:26 and resumed at 19:28
6. To consider the neighbourhood plan budget – A verbal report was given. No concerns raised.
7. To consider the end of grant report to Groundwork – It was agreed that the Clerk to Council complete the report as required.
It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That item 8 ‘To consider correspondence about the Bracebridge Heath neighbourhood plan’ be moved to item 10.
8. To consider the production of articles for Heathcliff View and the Church News magazine – Cllr Mrs Trought would continue to write articles.
9. To update the progress chart and action list – A verbal report was given.
It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of agenda items 10 and 11 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
10. To consider correspondence about the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Plan – Correspondence was considered and referred to Full Council to prepare a response.
11. To consider the content and publication of a statement regarding the original Neighbourhood Plan – It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That a recommendation be made to Full Council that the draft statement be published on Council’s website.
12. To consider items for the next meeting of the sub-committee – Vision and objectives, Neighbourhood plan policies
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:40
Signed_______________________________Chairman 25th October 2018