Minutes - Environment committee - 16 March 2021

Minutes of a meeting of the Environment committee held remotely using Zoom on 16th March 2021 at 19.00
Present: Cllrs Broad, Manders, Smith, Trought and
In attendance: Cllr Callan, Moran (19:23 – 20:00) Mr Pete Tuckerman – Deputy Clerk to Council.
No members of public were present.
1. To consider apologies and accept valid reasons for absence – It was RESOLVED: That apologies from Cllr Walker be accepted.
2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation to any agenda item – There were none in relation to any of the items for this meeting.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Environment committee held on 16th February 2021 - It was RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 16th February 2021 be approved and signed as a true copy by the chairman.
4. To consider planning applications –
21 0081 DISCON – Land at 88 Grantham Road – The Parish Council objects to condition point 4 of 19 0345 FUL being classed as completed. Condition 4 states ‘the details of both and hard and soft landscape works have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the district planning authority: these works shall be carried out entirely in accordance with the approved details’ This condition has not been met and should not be passed as complete. 21 0228 HOUS – 9 Churchill Avenue – No objection was raised. It is noted that the dormer was not in keeping with the local area’s aesthetics. Should NKDC be minded to pass this planning application Bracebridge Heath Parish Council asks that a condition is added that the proposed assisted living area is not to be used as separate dwelling. 21 0268 TPO – 26 Norfolk Crescent – Bracebridge Heath Parish Council objects to the spread of the tree being reduced to <1 meter in diameter and the height of the tree reduced by 6m. This was the third TPO for the same subject, previous TPO’s were 19 0819 TPO and 20 049 TPO of which the tree officer had refused and amended respectively. It should be noted that the evidence photograph of the tree which shows the height and spread of the tree is the same photograph supplied for the previous application in 2019.
5. To receive an update on village heritage trails. Cllr Manders thanked the other members of the committee that walked Heritage Trail 2 and fed back comments on it. The initial draft for Heritage Trail 3 was presented to council.
6. To consider repairs to the wall on Canwick Avenue. – It is still unsure on who owns the walls therefore who is responsible for their upkeep. Highways has declared that the state of the Canwick Avenue stone wall was ‘not of immediate threat’. To date this subject is still work in progress.
7. To consider tree planting locations. – Several members of the committee submitted reports on potential tree locations from their local areas. It was stated that most of the potential locations are owned by North Kesteven District Council (NKDC) or Lincolnshire County Council. The Parish Council should contact the NKDC Tree Officer to receive support on the best type of trees to plant in each location and whether NKDC would support the Parish Council and give permission for council to plant trees on NKDC land. During the meeting, Cllr Smith asked if there were any locations in the report that would allow for hedges to be planted and/or seating to erected. Other specific areas of interest are noted below.
a) Caistor Drive – As a potential location, the Parish Council deputy clerk was to contact Anglian Water to ascertain if any pipe works were in the green space that would affect potential planting.
b) Recreation Ground – The Parish Council have received approval to plant two lime trees at the recreation ground.
c) Industrial Estate – It was decided that the Parish Council was seek permission from Lincolnshire County Council to plant trees near the Industrial estate.
d) Cllr Manders to talk to allotment holders re planting trees in their wildlife area.
8. To consider repairs to the iron railings on London Road between the Homestead and Hospital Cottages – A report was given on the disrepair of the iron railings and it was decided that a portion of the railing was classed as dangerous to the public. Under the Health and Safety umbrella, it was stated that the 3 railings in question were to be ‘made safe’ at the earliest opportunity, be that removal or repositioning of the railings. Once complete, the Parish Council deputy clerk is to secure quotes for repairing or replacing the railing in total.
9. To receive an update on traffic calming measures for Red Hall Farm Lane - A verbal report was given regarding 3 Traffic Calming Measure options leaflet that was delivered to the residents of Red Hall Farm Lane. Approximately 25% of the completed leaflets were returned. It was decided that the Parish Council deputy clerk was to acquire quotes for speed limit signages, ‘Slow, Children’ signage and pedestrian barriers. An update is to be given at the next Environment Committee meeting in April 2021.
10. To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Sub-Committee meeting – The required completed documents were sent to North Kesteven District Council for their approval, but for the Regulation 16 consultation. The Parish Council will await their feedback.
11. Items for the agenda of the next committee meeting – Traffic Calming Measures, London Road iron railings, Tree Planting locations, Canwick Avenue wall and Planning Decisions.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 20:22
Signed_______________________________Chairman 20th April 2021