Minutes - Environment committee - 22 March 2022

Minutes of a meeting of the Environment committee held at the Bracebridge Heath Pavilion on 22nd March 2022 at 20:00
Present: Cllrs Broad, Manders, Smith, Trought, Warren.
In attendance: Mr Pete Tuckerman – Deputy Clerk to Council.
1. To consider apologies and accept valid reasons for absence – It was RESOLVED: That apologies for absence be accepted from Cllrs Walker and Cllr Blackmore.
2. Declarations of Interest
a. To receive members’ declarations of interest in accordance with the adopted code of conduct – Cllr Manders disclosed a nonpecuniary interest in matters relating to St John’s Primary Academy.
b. To receive and consider members’ requests for dispensations in accordance with the adopted code of conduct and standing orders - Nil
3. To confirm the minutes of the Environment committee held on 21st February 2022 - It was RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 21st February 2022 be approved and signed as a true copy by the chairman.
4. To consider planning applications
22/0363/HOUS – 78 Grantham Road – It was RESOLVED: That the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council does not wish to object to the application.
22/0066/HOUS – 9 Adler Close - It was RESOLVED: That the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council does not wish to object to the application, however, requests NKDC address the following concerns.
- The swimming pool is planned to be located very close to the front of the dwelling, is there a minimum safe distance for a pool to be from the side of a Grade 2 Listed building?
- The Parish Council request that the swimming pool is not to be used for business or commercial enterprise.
- The Parish Council request that the Environment Services follow up on the potential issue with noise pollution from the swimming pool heater and personnel using the pool.
5. To receive a report on planning decisions – Report noted.
6. To receive a report on tree inspections – A written report was received. Inspections of the Council’s trees within the woodland walk had been carried out by North Kesteven District Council and recommendations for maintenance had been received.
7. To review bus shelter upgrade plan – A report was received from the Deputy Clerk. It was agreed that:
- further investigation and quotes be sought for the repair of bus shelters in the village, prioritising the bus shelters on London Road (opposite the junction with Canwick Avenue) and the shelter outside the Bracebridge Heath Surgery. It was further agreed that repairs to the shelters were needed before any work to the aesthetics began.
- the theme for the bus shelter murals was ‘Wildlife’ and St Johns Primary Academy would be invited to participate in a design project and assistance be sought from ArtsNK.
8. To consider the purchase of a bicycle stand – It was RESOLVED: That the agenda item be deferred on the grounds that a suitable location had not been identified.
Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to
Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of business).
It was RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of the following items on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information
9. To consider quotations for tree works in the Woodland Walk – It was RESOLVED: That a quotation be accepted from Arboglyph Tree Specialists Ltd to carry out essential and desirable works as listed on the tree inspection report.
10. Items for the agenda of the next committee meeting – Planning applications
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 20:26
Signed_______________________________Chairman                             19th April 2022