Minutes - Environment committee - 20 October 2020

Draft notes of a meeting of the Environment committee held remotely using Zoom on 20th October 2020 at 19.30

Present: Cllrs Adeyemi, Hauton, Manders, Moran, Smith (19:34) and Trought
In attendance: Clerk to Council, Stacey Knowles. No members of public were present
1. To consider apologies and accept valid reasons for absence – Nil
2. To receive members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary, non-disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in relation
to any agenda item – Nil
3. To confirm the minutes of the Environment committee held on 22nd September 2020 - It was RESOLVED: That subject to
amendments discussed, the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd September 2020 be approved and signed as a true copy by
the chairman.
4. To consider planning applications –
20/1298/TPO – 7 Salisbury Drive – Council happy to accept the advice and decision of the tree officer.
20/1232/HOUS – 49 Bath Road –
Cllr Smith joined the meeting at 19:34
It was RESOLVED: That Council objects to the application on the grounds that the extension is contrary to CLLP Policy LP26. In
particular, Council refers to the decision made in 2016 (16/1115/HOUS) to refuse an application of a very similar nature for the
same property. The effect of permitting such an extension remains the same as in 2016. The scale and position of the proposed
extension will result in a detrimental impact on the outlook of neighbouring properties as well as loss of light, loss of privacy and
20/1219/FUL - 6 Chichester Road – Council does not object to the application but requests that additional landscaping be included
to the front of the property as well as the suggested landscaping to the side. This would soften the visual effect of the proposed
high fencing.
20/1253/HOUS - 49 The Crescent - No comment or objections.
20/0752/FUL – Land off Canwick Avenue and Westminster Drive - Previous objections made by Parish Council still apply,
particularly in relation to the parking for plot 123. Council notes the inclusion of a swale on the southern boundary. Council also
notes the positive increase in the size of the houses.
5. Items for the agenda of the next committee meeting – action plan
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 20.18
Signed_______________________________Chairman                             17th November 2020