Minutes - Full Council - 27 October 2020

Minutes of a meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held remotely using Zoom on 27th October 2020 at 19:30

Present: Cllrs F Adeyemi (joined at 19:32), C Broad, C Callan, L Hauton, J Kilcoyne, S Manders, V Marden, J Moran, K Trought and A Walker (joined at 19:48)

In attendance: Clerk to Council, Mrs S Knowles. One member of the public was present.

20132. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES AND ACCEPT VALID REASONS FOR ABSENCE – It was RESOLVED: That apologies for absence from Cllr Barr be accepted.
It was RESOLVED: That apologies for absence from Cllr Smith be accepted.
Cllr Adeyemi joined the meeting at 19:32
RELATION TO ANY AGENDA ITEM – Cllr Moran declared a non-pecuniary interest in matters relating to the planning application 20/0057/OUT, Land off Sleaford Road as a Member of North Kesteven District Council.
20134. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING – 6th OCTOBER 2020- It was RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 6th October 2020 be approved and signed as a true record by the chairman.
Cllr Walker arrived at 19:48
Parish Council discussed the alternative proposals for the site. The previous objections are still applicable, and the following additional comments are made in respect of the revised proposals:
Primary school and community building provision
 Previous comments submitted by Parish Council outlined that the school was in an undesirable location. These comments still stand and if a school is to be provided on this site then the western side of the development is the preferred location.
 Council has concerns that the removal of the school, which was previously purported to have ancillary use as a community building or facility, will mean that there are no community buildings provided within this development. This is contrary to CLLP LP15 which states that “developers will be expected to provide such relevant facilities either directly on-site and/or off site, through a financial contribution, either alone or cumulatively with other developments.” Council objects to the area originally identified for a school being used for additional housing and strongly requests that the area be repurposed as indoor community space with suitable facilities and infrastructure provided.
Recreation facilities
  • The application lacks provision of cycleways from the eastern bypass to the north end of this development. The draft design code specifies that the green infrastructure for the SEQ ‘will include cycle infrastructure allowing for convenient, safe and direct routes’. These routes need to be provided to ensure sufficient connectivity to, from and through this development. Council also notes the current consultation on NKDC’s cycling strategy. It is the view of Parish Council that the cycling and pedestrian connectivity should be provided throughout this development and beyond to facilitate sustainable living.
  • The draft design code also specifies that ‘a key driver of the SEQ will be the provision of a robust network of green infrastructure, offering new residents the space for formal and informal recreation within east distance of their homes’. Parish Council is concerned by the lack of formal recreational space in this application and would welcome the opportunity to discuss with the applicant the possibility of including additional recreational space for team sports. This could include extra space on site and / or extending the existing nearby provision at Bracebridge Heath Recreation Ground. Any recreational space will need to be accompanied by associated infrastructure such as car parking and cycle racks and appropriate pedestrian access. The current provision and the phased proposals made in the draft design code and Central Lincolnshire Local Plan to provide formal recreational space will mean that this community will have significant deficiencies in formal recreational space until the final phase of the SEQ.
  • Parish Council’s comments about the lack of recreation space including the provision of allotments still apply.
  • There is no indication about the future responsibility or management of green spaces and no reference has been made to the location of play parks.
  • Parish Council is concerned that the road hierarchies within the application do not follow the requirements of the emerging design code for the SUE SEQ. In particular, the primary road from Sleaford Road to the eastern edge of the green corridor to the eastern side of the development does not meet the primary road standard specified in the draft design code. This road appears to provide possible future connections to Canwick Heath and will need to be of a standard to accommodate this and any future bus provision. Similarly, the secondary road providing a loop around the eastern section of the development may be used in the future as a public or school bus route. The road should also be of a standard to accommodate this.
  • Council has concerns about traffic and highway issues related to this application. The pedestrian crossing combined with two roundabouts at the southern entrance to Bracebridge Heath will increase traffic congestion in the area.
  • Original site allocations in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan: Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) Report 2020 outlines 768 dwellings for this area (site refs NK/BBH/003 and NK/BBH/004). This application is proposing an additional 543 dwellings which amounts to a 70% increase on the original allocation. This also leads to unacceptable housing densities which are incongruous with the village setting of Bracebridge Heath. The previous application cited housing densities of around 26 dwellings per hectare. The current application (minus the primary school) is proposing densities ranging from 25 houses/ha (only in the north west side of the development) to 35 houses/ha.
  • Four storey homes are being proposed in places. This is contrary to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan for Bracebridge Heath and the draft design code for the SEQ.
  • Council notes the battery failure of the device used to measure noise levels in the area. Given that this was over 4 working days, can this information be relied upon to provide an accurate assessment of ambient noise?
  • Council’s comments about the location of the care home still apply. The care home is in an undesirable location being surrounded by busy highways.
  • Council agrees with the comments from Heritage Trust that there needs to be a full archaeological survey carried out on this site. The area has historical significance and should be surveyed appropriately.
Members agreed that it would be beneficial to engage with applicants and developers prior to the submission of planning applications. Discussing key issues for both sides earlier on in the process may help to reach a mutually acceptable proposal.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20:43.
Signed___________________________Chairman                         03 November 2020